What you can, with what you have, where you are

It’s easy to get caught up in the loop of desiring predictability in oneself: delivering the same amount of effort and value and connection each day, or week, or whatever other unit of time most resonates.

That’s a set-up, and the set-up is to feel like you’re failing even when you’re not.

Some days you will fly and be brilliant. Some you will be able to deliver far more than others. There’s strategies and tactics to enable and accentuate these days, and to make them more frequent.

But there are also down days. You can’t not have them. And on those days, “bringing your best” or “delivering at 100%” looks like: whatever you’re capable of that day.

That’s it. “Your best” isn’t an absolute measure. It varies over time. And that’s everybody, and it’s normal, and it’s okay.

Don’t talk yourself into lowering your rates or compromising yourself because not every day is astonishing. If every day were special, none of them would be.

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